The Feeling Card Deck
Feeling Cards (Blue): Feeling Cards can be used to identify and organize the complex and nuanced feelings we all have related to race. The complexity of our emotions is rooted in the idea that we can simultaneously feel multiple things at once. For example, we can feel sad and proud or inspired and frustrated at the same time.
Use the reflection question at the bottom of each Feeling card to measure the level of each of the feelings identified during a discussion or activity. Understanding the intensity level of our feelings is essential. They speak to the nuance and complexity of how race influences our experiences.
Naming our emotions and the ability to reflect on how strongly we feel them are critical parts reducing the stressfulness and anxiety of engaging in discussion about race. Also, take note of how feelings may change or shift in intensity throughout an activity or discussion. Checking in with ourselves and our participants keep us safe, grounded, and connected.
Respect the emotional labor of this work. Acknowledge and name that we are all at different places and levels on the journey of examining race. Create time, space, and permission for people to take a break. But encourage people to return to the activity when they are ready.